Thursday, December 24, 2009

1 comment:

  1. Marine surveying uaeinvolves a close inspection of as much of a vessel as is accessible. This detailed technical examination is usually followed by a written report which lists the extent and nature of the defects found.
    A marine inspection surveyor has been described as a doctor whose patients are ships, not people. However, a doctor has the great advantage that he can talk to his patient about ailments and symptoms. It might be tempting to describe a small craft surveyor as more akin to a vet. But these people have one great advantage over
    a cargo inspection surveyor Dubai in that they can gently press and prod till the patient flinches. Then at least the general area of the malady has been established. A surveyor does not have this advantage.
    So a ship surveyor dubaihas to look for visible and audible abnormalities. He searches for distortion discolouration and corrosion, also uneven surfaces where there should be smoothness, signs of weakness, changes of tone when percussion is applied, and gaps where there should be none. To detect what is not right, the marine surveyor has to have a wide knowledge of what is correct. This can best be gained by extensive study of well-built craft, by taking part in their building, altering and repair processes, and by
    time at sea in small craft. It is not enough just to be on board in harbour, many important experiences come in bad weather offshore.
    Because even quite small boats have a wide range of parts, services and ancillaries, a surveyor needs a spectrum of knowledge. This mental experience, which can be first or second hand, has to cover such subjects as structures, materials, basic engineering, metallurgy, fiber glass and plastics, timber technology, piping, plumbing, electricity, rope-making, upholstery, marine insurance surveyor, as well as ship and boatbuilding,
    fastenings, launching techniques, and so on.There is much to learn, and a specialist module has to be limited in length, so the bibliography is a particularly important chapter.
